Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fighting Cock

103 proof of pure Kentucky Straight Bourbon rage. I've had many a night with this bottle and I keep coming back. I wish there were price tags still on these bottle cause I surely can't I say $16 in East Lansing, MI. Jim is centered around $20. This actually tastes good. It may get you wandering around town with Ian on a Thursday night busting down Greg's door and yelling gibberish, but it does taste good. There's a burn but the warm charred tones ease it away. Hangover depends on "a couple drinks" to "I'll take half the bottle if you take half". The latter is terrible. The apartments, agate house, and bridge house have made this a reoccurring staple of bourbon. The hands down standby.


  1. Fighting Cock Bourbon once fueled the creation of a ten-person igloo.

    Later on, Self would shoot roman candles at Greg. That's how friendships are made.

  2. Quality cheap bourbon right here. Just, take too much, and expect the to want to die the next day. I have wanted to die a lot from drinking too much of this.
