Thursday, October 29, 2009


1792 Ridgemont Reserve

Ladies and gentlemen, we have bourbon. I'm currently sipping this feller, a pretty darn good representative of the bourbon family. You can taste the 93.7 proof, but still enjoy the bourbon-flavors going on. Definitely better with some ice. Perhaps it's better after rum. Cause that's where I am now.

Kate and I have been putting change in a piggy bank. This is piggy-bourbon.

Did you know, that 1792 was the year Kentucky entered the Union?

I'd say this is a fairly good bourbon, though I would rank Maker's a bit higher.

Yukon Jack

I will introduce this fifth with a quote, care of the label:
"Yukon Jack is a taste born of hoary nights, when lonely men struggled to keep their fires lit and cabins warm, boldly flavorful yet surprisingly smooth, there is no spirit like Yukon Jack... the Black sheep of Canadian Liquors"
Fuck. It was only years later that I found out Yukon Jack's true identity: a honey-flavored Canadian whiskey. Because when I first invested my 15 dollars into this golden bottle of pain, I could have sworn I was drinking a mixture of gasoline and honey.

It was a cold and wintery night that brought me to this curiosity of a whiskey. It was syrupy and almost nauseating to drink, but Seawolf and I managed our way through about 3/4 of the bottle. Feeling ill, dizzy, and mildly high, we were then dragged off to see the movie Cloverfield. If you will recall this film, you'll know that the camera is all things shaky, spinny, flashy, and otherwise absolutely horrible for Yukon Jack-induced drunkenness.

The particular bottle in question was relegated to "punishment liquor" for drinking games. We would later realize that this bottle may have somehow "expired," as others reported previous positive experiences with the 'Jack.

Canadian Hunter

This is possibly the smoothest of the bottom shelf whiskeys. At a bank-breaking cost of $10, you may have to make some sacrifices to be able to purchase a bottle of this, but I guarantee that it will not be the last sacrifice you make by the time you're finished enjoying this adventure of a liquor. You will find it available in several varieties, from small plastic to standard glass,and finally to large plastic, and whichever you chose to go with, just make sure to follow the simple rule of finishing what you've started. We'll come back to that.
The presentation of this elixir is certainly a selling point. The label prominently features Tom Selleck, wrapped up for a harsh winter, shouldering a rifle, lead by a team of impressive looking sled dogs. His posture is that of one who is "not fucking around". His mustache makes manifest the masculinity held behind the label, serving as a fair warning to those who cannot deal with so manly a refreshment.
As I said before, this is a very smooth drink, and works very well straight, on the rocks, on the rocks with a bit of water, and (for those who love corn syrup) with the cola of your choosing. I've personally found that a little lime juice and Triplesec bring out an exotic spiciness that I can only assume otherwise hides behind the sled dogs. Canadian Hunter is a selfish mistress, and once opened, does not appreciate being neglected. That being said, the best way to approach a bottle is to remove the cap, discard it, and obsessively attach yourself to the bottle until you've gleaned all the sweet sweet poison from it. However, this may result in some unpredictable situations, even for the seasoned Whiskier.
After a good night hunting, you may wake up feeling like someone has surgically implanted a rusty shard of metal in the middle of your brain. This is normal. Not to bog you down with science, but you've essentially soaked you brain in Canadian Hunter, and the throbbing ache you're experiencing is simply the terrifying panic going on inside your body, like a mother coming home to a house filled with rabid bears devouring her loved ones. Calm your inside places back down the same way you'd calm a mother down in this situation: Brew some coffee that is capable of cleaning engines, and pour a good amount of whiskey into the second cup.

Carstairs White Seal

"Four Random Words, One...whiskey"

This started with "Get a pint of whatever whiskey you can find for $5". I came back with a fifth of carstairs and only had to spend 80 cents extra. This is the gasoline flavor I base all other gasoline-based whiskeys on. You can't get the taste to go away. Mixers barely help. Hangover will be known as a "I got a carstairs hangover" and all should understand. If you need, but not just need, you have a terrible urge to go over the edge into destruction-land, this is your ticket to ride. Taste is mainly of burning. A little whiskey char to it. The "fine neutral spirits" that are blended in are lower than fuel quality. This being said, I've had this on several occasions and probably will again. Price is around $6 to maybe $8 if you're getting ripped off in Houghton, MI. Worth a try at least nighttrain.

Fighting Cock

103 proof of pure Kentucky Straight Bourbon rage. I've had many a night with this bottle and I keep coming back. I wish there were price tags still on these bottle cause I surely can't I say $16 in East Lansing, MI. Jim is centered around $20. This actually tastes good. It may get you wandering around town with Ian on a Thursday night busting down Greg's door and yelling gibberish, but it does taste good. There's a burn but the warm charred tones ease it away. Hangover depends on "a couple drinks" to "I'll take half the bottle if you take half". The latter is terrible. The apartments, agate house, and bridge house have made this a reoccurring staple of bourbon. The hands down standby.

Canada House

Tastes decent. It's a standard cheap, blended whiskey. It'll make you think more of whiskey than of gasoline (or kerosene). A dphaefs special delivery. This was $8 a fifth from what I remember (East Lansing, MI). Hangover was minimal but present. Jim Beam in comparison is around $18 to $24 but that's a guess.


So, I realize to make posts there are permissions and whatnot. Thus, to edit this bastard, please send me a google id and we'll get this moving. I will have to know who you are first.

Whiskey Blog Race

So, it looks like I beat Nate in being the first to get a whiskey blog up and running. Maybe if he hadn't gotten that phone call.